On August 21, 2021, #TeamTopLeft completed a successful equipment check and dry run as we prepared for our first CN78 rove coming up on Labor Day weekend.
We took advantage of the North American QSO Party August SSB contest to field test our proposed set up and work out any bugs before we go off the grid.
Much like a Field Day, we are able to successfully run 3 radios QRO on generator power for 7+ hours. The data we gained will ensure we bring enough fuel for the 3-day rove. Additionally, we were able to field test some tools that were new to us, including a homemade EFI/RFI filter, using GPS data to synchronize our laptops for FT8, and various antenna hacks for use in the field.
The contest was a blast and we managed to log 111 SSB contacts across 3 bands in around 10 hours on the air. From our base in Saanichton, British Columbia we made QSOs with several states including some fun DX with Australia, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii.
We logged a few clubs including the United Nations World Bank Staff Amateur Radio Club (4U1WB), the San Diego Contest Club (NX6T), the “Dan” Ramona Contest Club (ND7K), the Lawton Fort Still Amateur Radio Club (W5KS), and the West Chester Amateur Radio Association (WC8VOA), a division of the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting. We even managed to log Bill (AC0W), President of the Minnesota Wireless Association and the NAQP SSB Contest manager!
We can’t wait for our Labor Day rove out to CN78 and we’re also excited to announce that we will be conducting the very first activation of Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park (POTA VE-3205)!